Coffee flavored with Indian Spices

Coffee is one of the most revitalizing beverages. Adding Indian spices makes it even more flavorful and aromatic.

But even the best coffee is only as good as the machine in which it is brewed, so we strongly recommend buying a good coffee machine.

Cold Brew vs. Iced Coffee: What’s the Difference?

The latest in coffee trends is cold brew, which may seem oddly similar to iced coffee. With the trend of cold brew expanding across continents, it’s like an entirely new form of coffee-drinking has appeared.

So what exactly is cold brew? And how is it unique when compared to iced coffee?

  • Taste - many will attest to iced coffee being bitter and a bit weak in flavor; by contrast, cold brew is a more concentrated blend of coffee and is therefore very flavorful but still has a mild taste.

  • Time - iced coffee is made as quickly as any regularly-brewed coffee at home or in a store, whereas cold brew takes two days to make by soaking coffee beans or grounds in water to distill its flavor.

  • Caffeine - despite some opinions that cold brew should have more caffeine since it is more carefully concentrated, both coffee styles have the same amount of caffeine.

Spiced Coffee Recipes

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