Health Benefits of Lemons

Lemons are not only a great source of Vitamin C, they help control weight, reduce a rick of cancer, support heart health. Although lemons are often though of as acidic, they are very effective in curing many digestion problems when mixed with hot water, including biliousness, nausea, heartburn, disorders of the lower intestines like constipation and worm infestations. It is even known to relieve hiccups. Water plus a few lemons becomes lemon juice. Lemon juice, when taken regularly in the morning acts as tonic to the livers and stimulates it to produce bile making it ready to digest the day's food. Because of its high vitamin C content it is thought to help prevent and treat many infections, fasten wound healing and temper down high fever. Lemon juice also relives symptoms of asthma, tonsillitis and sore throat. Lemon is also diuretic. This means it is good for people with urinary tract infections and high uric acid problems, such as those with arthritis or rheumatism because it helps flush out all the toxins and bad bacteria. When lemon is mixed with coffee, it is thought to help treat malaria. This concoction is also effective for headaches.

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